
Sociology blog #6

Mike Tyson For the story of Mike Tyson was really interesting and sad. I know that there are always those corrupt families, but no one should have to go through that. In Mike’s story there are a couple of factors to blame for how his life was the way it was. You can blame the government for his mother getting fired and evicted from their home, and you can blame his mother. His mother was a bad influence even when they were living in the nice neighborhood. His mother was coning people by selling them watered down vodka, so they would have to keep buying it in order to get that buzz that they always feel. Then when the were evicted she turned for the worst. Instead of going out to get an honest job she turned to selling her body for sex, just so she could pay the bills. She started pushing Mike away by not loving him. This pushed Mike to find love in the wrong places. The biggest person to blame would be Mike. Mike should have used common sense to know what he was getting into wa


1.        I think that this statement is true. Society knows how to get into certain people’s head.  It knows how to put people down in the dumps and feel bad about themselves. Society can hurt people so much that it mentally kills them. it makes them feels so bad that they don’t think that they have a purpose in life, this can lead to suicide. Physical society can do is push people away or run away from the people we care about most. Like abandoning children and leaving them to live on their own. Society knows how to kill peoples spirit and personal enjoyment without death. 2.               This is a good question. If you couldn’t separate your civilized self from your savage self I honestly think it depends on the person. If the person is mentally strong then I don’t think that he would end up becoming a savage. I think people that are mentally strong have a better chance staying civilized. For me personally I think that I would stay civilized longer than a lot of people. I feel

Sociology Blog 5

18 to 24 months   110,000   Democratic Republic, Congo   39,000  California, Texas, New York  I was surprised by how many Asian refugees there were. How much the refugees decreased over the years. There weren’t very many refugees last year. We take in a lot of Christians, we take in more unaffiliated people than anything. We accept many other cultures and we keep accepting new ones Yes, Bhutan. Wyoming doesn't have any refugees until 2016. There a lot of African refugees. Montana has refugees every other year.   50,000 Dropping. Lately its slowly increasing. 1 of 100 6 of 10 Norway, Switzerland   I don’t think that we should feel obligated to help them. We should help them because we have places for them to work, and because we have the food to spare for people coming in. We have the resources so we should help them so they can help their country and themselves. 

Bacha Bazi

Reading this article makes me feel bad for the boys living in Afghanistan. I feel lucky that I don't live in a culture were that is actually legal. Living in a culture that allows you to use young boys for sex is just wrong. And making them dress-up and put on make up to dance just makes things way worse. Not only are they being raped in the end, but they are being humiliated. I’m just happy that I live in a country were that is illegal. Boys living in Afghanistan live in fear everyday that they will be taken and raped. I couldn’t live like that. The only way that those boys who have been raped and taken as a slave can get out, is by escaping. Even if they escape they live in fear that they will get caught again. And when they are living by themselves they don’t know what to do themselves because all they know how to do is dance and have sex. If I had to put myself in their shoes I would scared every day. I would be scared of being taken from my family to be used as an object.

Sociology Blog 4

1.       If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be? a.        Different 2.       What did you expect at the beginning of the game? a.        I expected there to be the same rules at every table 3.       When did you realize that something was wrong? a.        When someone asked me if the wild cards were diamonds when it was hearts at my table 4.       How did you deal with it? a.        I just kept playing because I was actually enjoying it 5.       How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling? a.        It didn’t really bother me any but it was harder to explain to people who were still a little confused 6.       Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not? a.        I guess people could take it as a game but it isn’t really. This came made us coop with the other tables rules just like you would have to follow another cultures rules. 7.       Is a universal language and set of cus

Sociology Blog 3

The video we watched really got to my head. It made me think way more than I thought that it would. I didn’t want to believe it right away, it honestly made me a little angry. But as I kept listening and I put myself in their shoes I couldn’t do anything but think about what they are thinking. I honestly feel sympathy for them, but I wouldn’t tie religion in with it. Religion doesn’t have anything to do with why we are fighting. I don’t understand why they would think that it is. We have people there helping them because they don’t want what they are going through. The way is see it is the people are getting hurt by their own country more than they are getting hurt by the American soldiers. Americans soldiers seem to be doing more to help the people than their own country. I see myself fitting into the big picture of society by doing things for others and by treating my neighbor as myself. People don’t realize how much the smallest actions help the society. Some of the small thin

Sociology Blog 2

1.       Freaks and Geeks Pilot a.       I thought that Freaks and Geeks was a good show. It really showed what life is like for people in high school. b.       Functional Theory                                                                                       i.       Lindsay and her friends c.        Conflict theory                                                                                       i.       Lindsay has to choose between being in the mathletes or getting a punishment. d.       Symbolic internationalism                                                                                       i.         Lindsay’s father’s army jacket (she doesn’t take it off that often) she’s been wearing it ever since her grandmother died. 2.       Groups and functions   Jocks  - They played sports and some of them bullied the geeks and some didn’t Freaks-   They were negative influence most of them smoked pot and they bully people all the time. They are alw