Bacha Bazi

Reading this article makes me feel bad for the boys living in Afghanistan. I feel lucky that I don't live in a culture were that is actually legal. Living in a culture that allows you to use young boys for sex is just wrong. And making them dress-up and put on make up to dance just makes things way worse. Not only are they being raped in the end, but they are being humiliated. I’m just happy that I live in a country were that is illegal. Boys living in Afghanistan live in fear everyday that they will be taken and raped. I couldn’t live like that. The only way that those boys who have been raped and taken as a slave can get out, is by escaping. Even if they escape they live in fear that they will get caught again. And when they are living by themselves they don’t know what to do themselves because all they know how to do is dance and have sex.

If I had to put myself in their shoes I would scared every day. I would be scared of being taken from my family to be used as an object. I wouldn’t want to be forced into dancing for other grown men and then being raped after. If I found a way to escape I would definitely try. But if I escaped I would only fear being caught again to be doing the same thing. I would also be scared because I wouldn’t know how to do anything else besides dancing and getting raped. The worst part would be the fact that I couldn’t go back and see my family.


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