Sociology Blog 4

1.      If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be?
a.       Different
2.      What did you expect at the beginning of the game?
a.       I expected there to be the same rules at every table
3.      When did you realize that something was wrong?
a.       When someone asked me if the wild cards were diamonds when it was hearts at my table
4.      How did you deal with it?
a.       I just kept playing because I was actually enjoying it
5.      How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling?
a.       It didn’t really bother me any but it was harder to explain to people who were still a little confused
6.      Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not?
a.       I guess people could take it as a game but it isn’t really. This came made us coop with the other tables rules just like you would have to follow another cultures rules.
7.      Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony?
a.       No not really, we can live peacefully as long as we just follow each other’s rules. If we all had the same customs it would be a really boring world
8.       What can a simple card game teach us about our culture?

a.       We don’t like rules to change especially when we don’t like the change 


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